Frequently Asked Questions

We aim to provide clear and transparent information about our lead generation services. Whether you're a new subscriber or a returning client, our FAQ section covers all the essential details you need to make the most of our services.

From understanding how our month-to-month subscriptions work to learning about the industries we serve, we’ve compiled the most common questions we receive to ensure you have all the answers at your fingertips.

If you still have questions after reading through, feel free to reach out to us directly. We're here to help!

Q1: How do I start a text marketing campaign with BizLeads?

A: Getting started is simple! Fill out our onboarding form, where you’ll share details about your business, target audience, and campaign objectives. We’ll use this information to customize your campaign to fit your needs.

Q2: What types of services can be advertised?

A: We cater to a variety of services such as home cleaning, pressure washing, holiday lighting, and more. If your service isn’t listed, feel free to contact us to see if we can accommodate your specific needs.

Q3: How are the messages sent?

A: Once your campaign is set up, we use our system to send messages to your target audience based on the specifications in your onboarding form.

Q4: How does the message delivery process work?

A: We take care of everything! As soon as we receive a positive response from a potential customer, we’ll forward the lead directly to you, enabling you to take the next steps and close the deal.

Q5: Can I customize the message content?

A: Yes! While we follow a standard messaging format, you can provide specific details you’d like included. We ensure all messages stay within the 160-character limit. For example: "Hi [Client’s First Name], it’s [Your Name] from [Business Name] in [City]. Do you have any holiday lighting needs we can assist with?"

Q6: How can I track the success of my campaign?

A: We provide weekly reports that give you insights into how your campaign is performing, prepared by our lead specialist.

Q7: How many leads do you generate and how often are messages sent?

A: We can generate up to 4,500 leads, and text campaigns are sent out from Monday to Friday (excluding weekends and holidays) to maintain a consistent outreach flow.

Q8: How long does it take to set up a campaign?

A: Once you’ve completed the onboarding form, campaign setup takes about 1-3 business days, depending on the complexity and size of your audience.

Q9: Are there restrictions on the type of content I can send?

A: Yes, all messages must adhere to SMS marketing regulations. We’ll help ensure that your content complies with these legal guidelines.

Q10: Can I schedule messages in advance?

A: Absolutely! You can schedule messages to be sent at specific times and dates to optimize when your audience will receive them.

Q11: What happens if someone responds negatively to a message?

A: If we receive a negative response, we’ll make note of it and remove that individual from your campaign, ensuring respectful and effective communication.

Q12: How do you handle opt-outs?

A: Customers can opt-out at any time by replying with "STOP." We promptly remove them from the campaign and add them to our Do Not Contact list.

Q13: What support is available during the campaign?

A: Our support team is available to assist and answer any questions. However, once the campaign is live, no changes will be made unless requested to pause or stop the campaign.

Q14: How do you ensure legal compliance?

A: We ensure that all messages adhere to SMS marketing laws, protecting both your business and your customers from potential violations.

Q15: Who creates the campaign messages?

A: BizLeads handles the creation and execution of all messages. You’ll receive leads only when potential customers respond positively to the campaign.

Q16: What happens to leads that don’t respond?

A: Unresponsive leads will be included in future messages as long as they haven’t opted out. This maximizes engagement over time.

Q17: Can I stop or pause my campaign?

A: Yes, you can pause or stop your campaign at any time by contacting our support team.

Q18: How do you ensure lead quality?

A: We use advanced targeting methods to generate high-quality leads that have a greater likelihood of converting into paying customers.

Q19: Can I adjust my target audience once the campaign has started?

A: No, target audience changes cannot be made once the campaign is live. Please ensure the information you provide during onboarding is accurate.

Q20: How do I update my contact details?

A: You can update your contact information at any time. Simply let us know, and we’ll ensure all leads and reports are sent to the correct details moving forward.

Have questions about our services or how BizLeads works? You’re in the right place! Check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section for quick answers about starting campaigns, generating leads, and optimizing your marketing efforts. If you don’t find the information you need, we’re here to help!

Feel free to reach out to us anytime via email at [email protected] or give us a call at (813) 694 8850.

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